My body, my rules: In all the hustle and bustle of the Christmas season, it can be easy for children to get overwhelmed — with parties and holiday get together, they may be seeing lots of
new or unfamiliar family members and friends. It’s important to remind children that they can say no to hugs, kisses, and other physical signs of affection if they are uncomfortable. Review “my body, my rules,” and give children polite ways to decline any signs of affection that they don’t want to give or receive. A simple “no thank you” to a request for a hug, or deflecting to a high-five, gives a child important control over who touches him or her, and how he or she feels in any situation. For more information, visit better-parenting/advice/reluctant-hugs-why-you- shouldnt-force-kids-to-show-physical/. You can also call Carmen Carbajal at the Parish Office at (323) 757-0271 ext.13 or Mrs. Hart at the School Office at (323) 756-1354.